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Dr. Lee he help me with the dizziness, nausea, pain on the right side of my neck and my energy level is much better

I had 2 times of severe vertigo attacks and I was feeling very dizzy and nauseated, I had a neck pain and couldn't sleep. I started acupuncture treatment 2 times in a week for 4 weeks, After that, once a week I am feeling much better. I had vertigo for 3 months, the dizziness was constant and I could not do anything but stay still.  I find Dr. Lee from internet. Yes, it works. Dr. Lee he help me with the dizziness, nausea, pain on the right side of my neck and my energy level is much better.                                            ~S. M.

over a 3 week period of time my pain level has gone form 7/10 to 3/10

I have been suffering from chronic headaches for over 20  years, I have tried many treatments with not much help. I find Mr. Lee from internet and after acupuncture treatment, over a 3 week period of time my pain level has gone form 7/10 to 3/10. I am at a more tolerable pain level, people around me have noticed the improvement that I have been more happier. Thanks                                ~N. R.

it's been 25 years of migraines, but we are guardedly optimistic and plan to continue.

My mother has suffered migraine headaches for approx 25 years. at the time she began acupuncture therapy with Dr. Lee ( Aug 2015 ), she had < 5 ( and sometimes no ) headache- fress days per month, highly debilitating, many housebound days. she did allergy shots ( b/c original diagnosis was sinus headaches ), various triptans ( these help & she still uses ), occipital nerve injections ( steroid/ local anesth ), biofeedback, botox injections ( no help ). we are referral from nevrologist and ( P. Blake, Headache Cntr of NW, Memorial Hermann ) Blue Cross/ Blue Shield Federal. Now, beginning 5th month of biweekly acupuncture treatment. In the 3rd & 4th months acupuncture treatment and she had 16 & 11 headache-free days ( perhaps tripls her pre-treatment average ). Dr.Lee has also helped with an old knee injury, too. It's been 25 years of migraines, but we are guardedly optimistic and plan to continue.                              ~ B. M. ( daughter of patient )

The neck tension and increased migraines started approximately 9 years ago

Neck and shoulder pain causing 5-6 times of migraine in a week, treated by medications, injections in my neck and Chiropractor treatment with little to no relief. The neck tension and increased migraines started approximately 9 years ago, this has affected my sleep, working out, enjoying life, daily pain takes a huge toll on the mind and body. Few treatments later, the migraines have reduced to around 2-3 times in a week, sometime less, I have more energy and enjoy life more now, because the pain has decreased.  Thank you very much Dr. Lee                           ~C. J.

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Acupuntura AQure  El centro de bienestar

La tierra del azúcar

de lunes a sábado   

9:00 a. M. - 7:00 p. M.

(Solo por cita)

2745D N. Town Center Blvd,

Ste. 168  Sugar Land, TX 77479

(281) 975-9931

(dentro del salón Alex Burton)   


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